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Easy Soap Recipe with Lard

Keyword: basic soap, beginner soap, body-soap, hand-soap, nourishing soap


  • 2 plastic, glass, or steel bowls
  • Wooden or plastic spoon
  • Silicone molds
  • Stick blender
  • pH meter or test strips
  • Microwave oven
  • Kitchen scale
  • Thermometer
  • Safety gear


  • 5.08 Lard 144 grams
  • 3.23 Coconut Oil, 76 deg 92 grams
  • 3.23 Olive Oil 92 grams
  • 0.46 Castor Oil 13 grams
  • 0.38 Lavender Essential Oil 11 grams


  • Read the soaping safely page, if you haven´t already
  • Dissolve NaOH in the water by slowly adding the NaOH to the water and stirring gently with the spoon. Leave the mixture, now called lye, to cool down
  • Melt Coconut Oil and mix it with the rest of the ingredients
  • Wait until the lye is between 86 and 104 degrees F (30-40 degrees C) and heat up the oils to approx the same temperature if needed
  • Mix the oils and the lye by slowly pouring the lye into the oils, blending it little by little
  • Use a stick blender for 1-5 minutes until trace
  • Pour your batter into a mold or molds as you prefer
  • Check if the soap is firm enough to cut and unmold after 48 hours
  • Cut the soap bars (if you used a big mold) and trim the edges
  • Leave to cure e.g. in a paper bag for 4 – 6 weeks and check pH. Store it by room temperature