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Conditioning Shampoo Bar with Apple Cider Vinegar, Shea Butter & Sugar

Keyword: Bubbly soap, Conditioning soap, Shampoo bar


  • 2 plastic, glass, or steel bowls
  • Wooden or plastic spoon
  • Stick blender
  • Thermometer
  • Silicone molds
  • Kitchen scale
  • Microwave oven
  • pH meter or test strips
  • Safety gear


  • 8.8 oz Olive Oil 250 grams
  • 6.6 oz Avocado Oil 187 grams
  • 3.3 oz Shea Butter 94 grams
  • 3.3 oz Castor Oil 94 grams
  • 2.92 oz Apple Cider Vinegar 83 grams
  • 1,5 tbsp Sugar (powdered)
  • 5.44 oz Water 154 grams
  • 2.84 oz NaOH 81 grams


  • Dissolve sugar in approx 2 oz (50 grams) of the water (You can heat it up slightly or just stir).
  • Mix Apple Cider Vinegar with the rest of the water, and add NaOH to make your Lye. Let it cool down to room temperature
  • Melt Shea Butter (use microwave or double boiler) and mix it with the rest of the oils
  • When everything is room temperature, add the lye to the oils and stick blend until light trace
  • Add the sugar water, stick blend until trace and pour into molds
  • Check after 6-8 hours if your soap is ready to be unmolded and cut. It should take no more than 24 hours
  • Let the soap rest and cure for 4-6 weeks and check pH. It should be no more than 10